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Cowboy State Home Inspectors

93 Sierra Madre Dr 
Saratoga WY 82331
Inspector: Andrew Myers


Client(s):  Gary Kiepert
Property address:  1109 West Main st
Saratoga Wyoming 82331
Inspection date:  Monday, January 22, 2024

This report published on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 12:26:25 PM MST

This report is the exclusive property of this inspection company and the client(s) listed in the report title. Use of this report by any unauthorized persons is prohibited.

Concerns are shown and sorted according to these types:
Concern typeRepair/ReplaceRecommend repairing or replacing
Concern typeRepair/MaintainRecommend repair and/or maintenance
Concern typeEvaluateRecommend evaluation by a specialist
Concern typeCommentFor your information

General Information
1) Evidence of rodent infestation was found in the form of traps in the . Consult with the property owner about this. A qualified person should make repairs to seal openings in the structure, set traps, and clean rodent waste as necessary. Recommend following guidelines in these Center for Disease Control articles:

Bathrooms, Laundry and Sinks
5) Tub spout loose inside wall